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College life is often hailed as an exciting chapter of growth and self-discovery, but beneath its shiny exterior lies a harsh reality: stress. The pressure-cooker environment of higher education can push students to their limits, leaving them overwhelmed and anxious. As per ongoing measurements, a faltering 80% of understudies report encountering elevated degrees of stress. 

This alarming figure raises concerns about the well-being of our future leaders and professionals. In this blog, we delve into the intricate web of stress in college students, exploring its causes, impact, and potential coping mechanisms. Brace yourself for an eye-opening journey through the unseen struggles faced by today’s scholars.

What Causes Stress in College Students? 

Many stressors are present in college; strain is not just limited to the academic world. The most common types include time management (especially when balancing work with study), family commitments (it may feel like there isn’t enough time between working full-time. Let’s speak about stress among college students in detail.

Financial stress

The financial burden is something that college students face. From the first day of college, you face this issue. Students keep on thinking about the repayment of the education loan they have taken from the bank, so they stress a lot about it. Also, the students whose parents cover the entire education cost cannot stay stress-free. The mental pressure runs at the back of their mind. Also, to know more about when do colleges start, click here.

Academic stress

It is not an easy task to comply with all the demands of academics. Professors keep on asking for homework assignments. Academic performance is affected when folks observe a below-average score. You always have a tension at the back of the mind about how to be successful in college.
Submission of research papers on time and participation in out-class activities define academic performance. Yet, for most college students, these are stressful. Sometimes they need help with homework but unable to approach anybody.

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Stress in job outlook

The students are made to think about the job before they complete the course. There was a time when the pay scale in the industry was larger. But, these days, the job market has become truly competitive. As a result, the pay scale in all the companies is not lucrative. It is one of the stress among college students which disrupts their mental health.

Stress in relationships

College students are mostly teenagers or in their early 20’s. As a result, it is the age of making friends and companions. Most of them gets involved in a love affair. The broken heart in relationships can bother them to a larger extent. Especially when the connection is for the first time living away from one another becomes stressful.

Family stress

Knowingly or unknowingly, families tend to put a lot of stress on college students. They set a high expectation on them with regards to their academic performance. But, not all individuals have the same capacity to bring a perfect score. Once the expectation is not met, parents start violating the mental health of their sons and daughters.

Social stress

A college student can face many social challenges. It is one of the prime sources of stress in college students. It happens when the study performance of one student is compared with another one with higher score or rank. Social stress in college students can affect the mental health and wellbeing of an individual.

What are the symptoms of stress in students?

What are the symptoms of stress in students?
There are many signs you may experience when dealing with stress: difficulty sleeping due to worrying about something, stress-induced unease or agitation, eating more due to stress.

You can experience stress when dealing with stress: difficulty sleeping due to worrying about something, stress-induced unease or agitation, eating more as a result of stress. The symptoms may be different from person to person, but they are there and should not be ignored!

Symptoms of stress

  • stress can cause stomach problems
  • It triggers a fight in the body, which causes an increase in blood pressure and adrenaline
  • Anxiety increases muscle tension and reduces the range of motion, so it’s difficult to think straight
  • It affects how we eat by increasing appetite, eating too quickly, or not at all
  • Stress also impacts sleep negatively. It can affect length and quality as well as when someone goes to bed.

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How Do I Get Rid of Stress?

How Do I Get Rid of Stress?
The top activity you pursue is identifying what’s causing the stress in your life so that you know where to start eliminating it. It will help prevent any problems that can take place in future and make the process easier for you. Some ways that have performed well for others include setting aside time for relaxation (such as meditation), getting involved in on-campus organizations, taking care of their physical health by exercising.

Top ways to Managing stress

If you are wondering how college students can relieve stress, the following are the list that can guide them to eliminate the mental pressure.

Make a to-do list

You can manage your stress by making a to-do list early in the morning. Then you can easily complete the task one after another as per the priority within the list.

Take breaks regularly

Take a break for 15 minutes to do something that is not work-related or study. It will keep your mind free from the anxiety and tension you face throughout the day. You can take it as one of the tips in reducing tension.

Enough rest

Stress can be relieved by getting enough rest and sleeping well at night, which will help with focus during the next day’s task. Sleeping is one of the effective tips to reduce strain. You can also stay healthy and be far away from heart disease. Moreover, you can get long term benefits with proper sleep.


Stress can also be handled through exercise. It may sound counterintuitive in an era of stress, but the benefits include a boost in mood and decreased stress.

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Implement mindfulness if you are too stressed. It is one of the wonderful ways to manage stress. If you don’t know about mindfulness, let me tell you that it is a type of meditation that makes you aware of a feeling that you are sensing in your mind.


Meditation helps people reduce their overall levels of anxiety which may lead to less. You can also practice it for stress management. Also, the American psychological association has mentioned meditation in their journals.

study in chunks

The students often try to study the whole syllabus in a single day. As a result, it is time consuming. In addition, it creates stress and tension in their mind. You can reduce stress by studying in small chunks and pieces. It will relieve you from the stressed-out studying.

Change in the activity

Sometimes you may also make yourself engaged in some activities that create self-motivation. Stress management could also include self-care, which includes doing important things, like cooking or reading. Students may overcome chronic stress. This can be one of the tips that can provide long-term benefits to you.

Start your hobby

One of the top ways to reduce the levels of stress is to start your hobby. During the coronavirus pandemic, almost all the students are at home. Since they are saving their traveling time to reach the study destination, there will be enough time to concentrate on hobbies.

Write affirmations

Many psychologists and experts say Affirmations are one of the best ways to stay motivated. The papers published and the activities involved in the American psychological association speaks about self-affirmation. It means a college student can write positive facts several times in a piece of paper. The stress effects are reduced by doing this.

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Data on the stress of college students

Studies have shown that stress levels among American adults has doubled since 1985, with 75% of people reporting being stressed out on any given day. As per the stress in college students statistics, 80% of college students reported feeling overwhelmed by all they need to do each day, 63% felt stressed about schoolwork or exams, and 42% had trouble sleeping because of stress. It is what the American Psychological Association has published in a study in 2015.

Apart from student stress statistics, For many people, stress becomes more manageable over time, but for some, it never gets better no matter how much life experience they have under their belt – research shows half of the adults aged 45-64 are also experiencing high levels of stress daily (even though most are retired).

Role of socializing in relieving stress

According to the experts, meeting people and communicating with them can bring the stress level down. There are ample resources where you can find such facts. Also, it will reduce the physical symptoms of stress. The American college frames their coursework so that students get a chance to interact with several types of people. Spending time with them boosts their confidence and also keep them away from negative mental health.

How does the COVID 19 pandemic increase tension in college students?

These days, the pressure on college students is increasing due to the coronavirus pandemic. College stress has been rising as a concern to the point where it’s become an epidemic. 

A study on stress in college students with 700 participants found that 63% had experienced stress within the last week, and 20% of those who were experiencing stress at that time reported their stress level was high or very high.

The root causes for this trend are many-fold, but one significant contributor is how the coronavirus pandemic has increased the stress levels among these populations.

Before the pandemic, schools, colleges, institutes, universities were open. Students had to visit the places regularly. There, they get a different environment rather than their home

They can breathe the fresh air after they are out from a four square home. They could meet friends. Teachers and other peers online. All of them support through online class help It used to boost their physical as well as mental stress. But today, the pandemic has forced everything to have an online existence. Whether you do your homework or participate in debate competitions, you stay stressed.

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Stress and depression among college students

Stress and depression among college students
A mental health disorder that can lead to stress is none other than depression. It also leads to academic problems. Some studies have found evidence for an association between stress and depression symptoms. More than 20 percent of college students suffer from depression. The stress and anxiety come along with it. In the long term, it can take the form of chronic stress.

Why does stress lead to depression?

Some of the reasons why stress leads to depression include:

Stressful events may trigger anxiety or depressive episodes (such as with PTSD). This would be considered secondary stress.

When people are chronically stressed, they will experience more frequent activation of their sympathetic nervous system leading them to release cortisol into their bloodstream. The body uses up its stores of serotonin when it releases these hormones during chronic stressors. This depletion then leads down the mood swings associated with clinical depression.

Mental health issues from stress

Mental health issues from stress

Anxiety disorder

Stress and anxiety go hand in hand. College students can invariably suffer from panic attacks. The college students face excessive worry those are unrealistic. Also, your reaction towards very small incidents will be super active.

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Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is a variety of mental illness that is marked by periods of depression and mania. It can have detrimental consequences on stress. Mood swings from deep sadness and hopelessness (depression) to being on top of the world or feeling invincible are the symptoms of this mental health problem.

Issues with cognitive functioning

The functioning of the human nervous system can get disrupted due to excessive stress and pressure. The stress may create a hindrance in the function of neurons. These are the brain cells that can affect the memory of an individual. You can become confused or have trouble learning new facts. The mental health for students is disrupted.

Change in personality

Usually, the personality of an individual stays consistent for several phases of life. With age and wisdom, it may change. But, if you are stressed out, the chances of having personality change will be frequent. The pressure of studies in students may affect their emotional feelings. The symptoms that you can find here are:

  • irritability
  • frustration
  • anger
  • mood swings
  • suspiciousness
  • staying alone
  • impulsiveness
  • problem in communication

Role of counseling in reducing stress

Role of counseling in reducing stress
Experts say that communication is a tried and tested way to reduce stress and tension. The counselors are now widely available to speak to the students who are excessively suffering from stress. They give them suggestions to reduce stress.

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Educating students about suicide and suicide prevention

According to the experts, counseling is provided to all students who have mental problems, including anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts. Also, counselors give them suggestions to overcome the problem.

Talking to teenagers about depression

Talking to a teenager about depression is an important part of counseling. A trained counselor can talk to the teenager and help him or her to stay away from unhealthy thoughts. They take care of the individuals by listening to their problems.

Counseling in colleges: How is it helpful?

Being a counsellor/psychologist at a college helps one to know the problems faced by students. These professional counselors look out for the issues faced by a student, advise him to take required actions, assist him in solving them, and protect the student’s interest.They can guide you to get a stress free college life.

Are students more stressed today?

Are students more stressed today?

You might be thinking that stress is a by-product of American culture or the fast pace society. But you may not know that stress has been around since ancient times. The earliest documented investigation into stress was conducted over 5000 years ago when an Egyptian physician named Imhotep prescribed apple juice for his patients to relieve headaches caused by too much stress.

In fact, it wasn’t until the last century (1900) that we even had words like “stress” and “anxiety”. Before then, people didn’t see themselves as stressed because they didn’t have any other comparison points with earlier generations: there were no cars on the road or computers at home! So what changed?

Technological advances are one reason stress levels have risen.The online learning platforms like Mcgraw Hill connect answers makes learning simple.

But, today stress can be a result of technology and media overload. The source of stress can be technology. The smartphone and social media create hazards of health. Stress affects the mind and physics of individuals. Whether you are in university or college, life is going to be stressful with online study.

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How to combat stress today?

Our minds grow tired with too much information coming at us all day long! But there are ways that college students can relieve stress in their lives; it can be on campus without turning back time and moving into an era where people had fewer stressors. It is like taking control over your schedule, so you’re not rushing from one place to another every minute of the day.

What are the 5 most stressful things in life?

Several facts can lead to pressure and anxiety in life. The top 5 are as under:






It is time to manage stress and cope up with health issues. Proper education can lead to a better pathway. But, too much worry can affect self-actualization needs. Along with physical health, students must go with regular monitoring of mental health. Support from family is of utmost importance. Friends with a positive vibe can be one of the resources. Sleep well for a period of least 7-8 hours a day. The stress may stay away from when you speak with friends. You may also choose some related ways to stay away from stress.


In the tumultuous journey of college life, stress emerges as an omnipresent companion, lurking in the shadows of lecture halls and late-night study sessions. The statistics speak volumes, with a staggering 80% of college students grappling with its burdensome weight. But it is crucial to shed light on the resilience and strength exhibited by these young minds as they navigate the labyrinth of academic and personal challenges. 

By acknowledging the toll stress takes on their well-being, we empower ourselves to seek effective solutions and foster a supportive environment. Let us stand united in our efforts to alleviate the burdens of stress, ensuring a brighter and healthier future for college students everywhere.

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