GPA Calculator

GPA Calculator

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GPA Calculator

Understanding the GPA System: A Key to Academic Success

GPA or grade point average is a standardized system used in the United States to calculate an average grade to understand the marking system and performance of a student. Using a scale of 0 to 4.0, GPA tracks the progress of a student. The number is used to assess whether you meet the standards and expectations set by the university.

Why is GPA Important?

Why is GPA Important?
The GPA is the only metric or calculation that shows how good you are. You will obviously know whether you have passed and excelled in the course, but the GPA gives an overall view of your overall grades and scores.

During the Bachelor or Masters, the student will be asked to provide the GPA in some situations like:

  • When applying for a scholarship
  • Doing extra-curricular activities
  • Joining a club or organization
  • Applying for a graduate or post-graduate program like Masters or PhD

When organizations want to know how you were as a student, they rely on the GPA. The organizations, universities, and scholarship committees want hard-working, high-achieving students so they want someone with a high GPA.

How To Calculate GPA?

Each grade that a student receives whether it’s in a numerical system, percentage system, or letter-grade system corresponds to a quality point. Quality point is always on a 4.0 scale between 0 and 4. The highest grade one can get is (A,10,5,100%, and so on) will equal the highest number on that scale.

For instance, A is the highest grade students receive in the class. It is either equal to 4 or to a multiple of 4 like 8 or 16. After taking a few classes, the points are added up and divided by the total number of credits of the courses the student took.

If you take 3 courses English(3 credits), Biology (2 credits), and Mathematics (2 credits). The grades are:

English: A(It is 4.0 on the GPA scale)
Biology: C(It is 2.0 on the GPA scale)
Mathematics: B( It is 3.0 on the GPA scale)

If multiply the grades by the number of credits for each course, you will have 4 grade points for biology, 12 for English, and 6 for mathematics. You have a total of 22 grade points.

When calculating the average GPA, divide this number of grade points by the total number of credits of the course you took i.e.(2+2+3=7). The GPA is 3.14

GPA Table

The table shows how 40. The GPA scale corresponds to letter grades and numeric.

Numeric Grade Letter Grade Grade Point Average
90-100 A 4.0
80-89 B 3.0
70-79 C 2.0
60-69 D 1.0
Less than 60 F 0.0

The GPA converter converts the grade equivalent to points using the following scale:

Grade A+ A A- AB B+ B B- BC C+ C C- CD D+ D D- F
Points 4.0 4.0 3.7 3.5 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.5 2.3 2.0 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.0 0.7 0.0

Weighted Vs Unweighted GPA

Normally, GPAs are calculated on an unweighted scale from 0 to 4.0 which means the difficulty of the courses will not be considered. Whether you get an A in an easy class or a more challenging one, it will be 4.0.

While weighted GPA calculators get accurate evaluations of academic efforts. It uses a different scale from 0 to 5.0. It takes into account the difficulty of the courses. If you get an A in an easier class, you will get a grade of 4.0, but an A in a more demanding course will be graded as 5.0.

Overall Vs Cumulative GPA

Before understanding the difference between overall and cumulative GPA, you must know they refer to the average grades of a student. The main difference is cumulative GPA calculator covers shorter periods like a semester or a term.

The overall GPA refers to the average grades that a student obtained in the entire academic experience. It means the overall GPA includes grades from all terms and semesters.

High School GPA Calculator: What is a Good GPA?

Some of the top academic institutions require a GPA of 3.5 or higher. Many schools have less admission requirements so students can apply with a low GPA like 2.5 or 2.0.

Colleges and universities look at the type of GPA. If you are at a high school that uses weighted GPAs, one student has a 3.0 GPA and takes advanced classes and another has a 3.5 GPA but takes easy classes. In such a case, the first student might get chosen as the GPAs are analyzed and all details are taken into consideration.

This is why you shouldn’t take only easy classes to earn maximum grades. Challenge yourself and find a balance between less demanding and advanced classes.

How To Raise GPA?

Maintaining a high GPA is not easy. If you start with a low GPA in the beginning, it can be difficult for you to raise the GPA later. On the other hand, if you continue to exceed in the courses and suddenly slip in the third year with less than average grade, then the GPA will not be severely affected.

The GPA will change and vary throughout the years, but keeping track of your GPA every semester gives a good indication of how well you are doing in the overall course and whether you need to improve.

Facts You Should Know About College GPA Calculator

A course for which you get a W(withdrawn) is not included in the ‘total credits attempted’ part of the GPA calculation. Due to this reason, it is better to withdraw than to fail a course.

The same applies to credits transferred from another college (demarked on the transcript with EXTRANS).

A repeated course (grade of R) is counted once toward your ‘total credits attempted’ and the higher grade is used to calculate ‘grade points earned’. The R grade will carry no value in the graduation GPA, semester grade point averages are permanent and are not recalculated.

Your GPA becomes difficult to change with time because the more credits you have completed, the less impact grade points have when your GPA is calculated.

How BuyOnlineClass Can Help You With GPA Calculator

BuyOnlineClass makes students’ life more manageable. With assignment assistance services, we also provide academic tools like a GPA calculator. Below is the procedure you can follow:


Put the accurate variables(course weightage, subjects, and course credits) into the boxes.


Once you have entered it correctly, the GPA calculator will update the grade point average score for the semester.


If you want to add a semester, the tool will deliver precise GPA results.

Just input the variables and you don’t have to do anything else. To get more information about our free GPA calculator, contact us and ask to calculate my GPA.

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